Effortlessly Track Your

Kotluy connects people into the All-in-one personal finance platform making day-to-day living easier and allowing them to build assets, mitigate shocks related to emergencies, illness, or injury, and make productive investments.

How it works


Track Your Income and Expenses Like a Pro

With our income and expense tracking feature, you'll never lose sight of your financial situation. Our powerful and intuitive tool makes it easy to track every penny you earn and spend, giving you a clear picture of your overall financial health.
Download for free

Reach Your Savings Goals

Saving money can be tough, but with our saving feature, it's easier than ever to set and achieve your savings goals. Whether you're saving for a vacation, a down payment on a house, or just building up an emergency fund, our tool can help you get there.
Download for free

Take Control of Your Loan Payments

It's easier than ever to chip away at your debt and save money on interest. Our tool allows you to set aside money specifically for loan payments, so you can make extra payments and pay off your loans faster.
Download for free

How to use




$0.99 / month

Unlock family connect
Upload/Import bank transactions from multiple banks
Transaction's attachments
Cloud storage(Access to your own files)
Learn Literacy: Budgeting



$5.90 / 6 months

Unlock family connect
Upload/Import bank transactions from multiple banks
Transaction's attachments
Cloud storage(Access to your own files)
Learn Literacy: Budgeting, Income & Expense Management
Credit score


$11.80 / 12 months

Unlock family connect
Upload/Import bank transactions from multiple banks
Transaction's attachments
Cloud storage(Access to your own files)
Learn Literacy: Budgeting, Income & Expense Management, Debt Management, Saving & Invest
Credit score

Still have



+855 (0) 17 948 236 (Telegram)


[email protected]


#35, Workspace 2, Factory Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 12354

Seize Financial Control: Empowering tools for budgeting, saving, and informed investments. Your path to a secure future starts here. Begin your journey now.
© Kotluy. All rights reserved.